6Sense – GAU

Through GAU initiative, Hornet Biologicals is committed to transforming the future of selection, breeding and management of indigenous cow breeds. The mission of project GAU is to provide farmers and producers with tools for breeding and management that are sustainable, efficient, and precise, with the ultimate goal of improving the health, productivity, and resilience of dairy cows.

Our Approach

By leveraging the capabilities of genomics and biotechnology, the GAU initiative implements  sophisticated methodologies and tools to deeply understand the genetic composition of indigenous cow populations. By deciphering the genetic codes of individual breeds, we gain insights into desirable traits such as disease resistance, reproductive efficiency, milk yield and milk quality.

Sustainable Innovation

The GAU initiative recognizes the significance of environmental sustainability in agriculture. That’s why our products and solutions are designed with sustainability at their core. Farmers can augment the resilience and sustainability of their livestock through the selection and management of traits that optimise efficiency, minimise resource usage, and improve overall welfare.

Precision Breeding

GAU Project is centred on the development of precision breeding solutions, which enable us to target particular genes that are linked to desirable traits, thereby facilitating outcomes that are more precise and predictable. This level of accuracy not only expedites genetic advancements but also reduces the necessity for expensive and labour-intensive experimentation.

Benefits of Our Solutions

Enhanced Productivity: Our breeding solutions optimise traits associated with reproduction , milk yield and quality resulting in cow herds that are more profitable and productive.

Enhanced Well-being and Health: By selecting and breeding for resistance to common diseases and parasites, we help reduce the need for veterinary interventions and promote overall animal well-being.

Enhanced Quality: By focusing on traits such as milk quality, we help producers deliver premium products that meet consumer demands and drive market competitiveness.

Enhanced Sustainability: Through selective and precision breeding, we enable farmers to build resilient flocks that thrive in diverse environmental conditions with optimised resources, thereby reducing the industry’s environmental footprint.

Partner with Us

Join us in shaping the future of dairy. Whether you’re a small-scale farmer or a large-scale producer, our tailored solutions can help you achieve your breeding goals efficiently and sustainably. Together, we can build healthier herds, stronger communities, and a more sustainable future for agriculture.

Get in Touch

Ready to explore the possibilities of sustainable precision solutions for cows? Contact us today to learn more about our innovative solutions and how we can support your breeding program. Let’s embark on this journey towards a brighter, more sustainable future for the dairy industry together.